[. . . ] SOS Safety precautions - Keep these instructions safe This appliance may become a safety hazard if these instructions and safety precautions are ignored. [. . . ] Place on a flat, stable, heat-resistant surface away from water splashes and any heat sources. Contact your local council/authority for further information on recycling. Do not put fingers into capsule compartment and capsule shaft, danger of injury. Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. - Préchauffage des tasses*: placez-les sur le chauffe-tasses ou rincez-les à l’eau chaude *selon modèle - Preheat cups*: place cup on warming plate or rinse with hot water. Resetting the water volumes to factory settings - small cup (40 ml) and large cup (110 ml). [. . . ] - Empty capsule container / Check that no capsule is blocked inside the capsule container. [. . . ]